To Catch a Countess Read online

Page 2

  “Victoria has some slight trouble with her eyes,” Lady Roxanne continued. She glanced toward the windows, adding, “It isn’t a major difficulty, merely an inconvenience.”

  The duchess is lying. Alexander wondered what the duchess found so threatening, that she would lie. He wasn’t about to cry off at this late date.

  “What exactly is her trouble?”

  “Victoria has a reading problem,” the duchess told him. “She doesn’t see some letters clearly.”

  “That’s it?”

  The duchess nodded. “Yes.”

  “Victoria doesn’t need perfect vision for marriage and motherhood,” Alexander said, giving the duchess a lazy smile.

  Lady Roxanne rose from her chair and wandered across the study to the window overlooking the rear gardens. “There goes Victoria now.”

  Rising from his chair, Alexander crossed the study to see her. With flute case in hand, a slender young woman, with a mane of fiery curls cascading to her waist, started to cross the lawn nearest to the house. She was immediately surrounded by her nephews and nieces.

  Alexander smiled, enchanted. His future countess set her flute case down and formed a circle with the children. They held hands and, dancing to the left, sang, “Ring-a-ring o’ roses, a pocket full of posies. A-tishoo! A-tishoo! We all fall down!”

  Victoria and the children fell down on the grass when the last word slipped from their lips. Then they started to laugh.

  “I’m glad she likes children,” Alexander said.

  “Victoria adores her nieces and nephews,” Lady Roxanne said. “I’m positive she will be an excellent mother.”

  Alexander watched Victoria stand and grab her flute case. Waving at the children, she started to walk away but crashed into a hedge. The children laughed uproariously.

  Her next stop was her brothers-in-law who were practicing golf swings. Prince Rudolf called something out to her, and Victoria laughed. Then she headed in the direction of the woodland.

  “Where is she going?” Alexander asked, delighted by what he had witnessed.

  “Victoria likes to wade in the stream in the woodland,” Lady Roxanne answered. “I’ve told her dozens of times that ladies do not wade, but she refuses to obey.”

  “If you will excuse me,” Alexander said, turning away from the window, “I would speak to her.”

  “When will you tell her about the betrothal?” Lady Roxanne asked.

  “I’ll tell her when the moment is right.”

  Alexander left the duke’s study and walked downstairs. He hadn’t seen any evidence of Victoria being headstrong. In fact, she appeared as if she would obey his every command without hesitation. Apparently, the duke and the duchess didn’t know how to handle a spirited young lady.

  Outside, Alexander waved to the children and started to cross the wide expanse of lawn. He paused to speak with his future brothers-in-law, still practicing their golf strokes.

  “Welcome to the family,” called Robert Campbell, the Marquess of Argyll, the duke’s son.

  “Does everyone know why I’m here?” Alexander asked.

  Prince Rudolf flashed him a wicked smile. “Everyone except the bride knows.”

  “I will take care of that before leaving Sunday morning,” Alexander told him. “Where is this stream?”

  “Walk down the path behind the gazebo,” Prince Rudolf told him. “Then follow the sound of flute song.”

  * * *

  Humming a sprightly tune, Victoria peeled her shoes and stockings off when she reached the stream. She grabbed her flute, hitched her skirt up to her knees, and sat down on a rock at the edge of the stream.

  Victoria dangled her feet in the cool water and sighed in pleasure at the warm, early June afternoon. She lifted the flute to her lips and began to play the tune she had been humming. The melody was a jaunty air, the sounds of springtime songbirds and chuckling brooks lending the song a bewitching charm.

  “Hello, Victoria.”

  Startled by a man’s voice, Victoria whirled around so fast, she nearly fell off the rock but managed to steady herself. Alexander Emerson leaned against a tree a few feet from where she sat.

  “Hello, Alexander,” Victoria said in a soft voice. Gawd, she sounded breathless, like one of those female pinheads who fawned over the bachelors at society functions.

  “I heard your siren’s song and came in search of a wood nymph,” Alexander said.

  Victoria didn’t answer. She’d fixed her blue-eyed gaze on his physical attributes. Now that she intended to flirt with him, he seemed different, as if she was noticing him for the first time.

  With his blond good looks, Alexander had pleasing features—hazel eyes, full lips, straight nose. His broad shoulders accentuated his tapered waist, and those tan breeches fit his well-muscled thighs like a second skin.

  “Do you like what you see?” Alexander asked, a smile lurking in his voice.

  Blushing, Victoria snapped her gaze to his. She was certainly making a mess of this flirting business. Since she’d mucked up her flirting, she decided to make a joke of it.

  “I apologize for staring. I was supposed to stare intensely and then pretend shyness by dropping my gaze.”

  “Why?” he asked, wearing a puzzled smile.

  “Do you want to hold my hand?”

  Alexander looked surprised. “Do you want me to hold your hand?’

  Victoria ignored his question. “Could you possibly tell me how much kissing is too much kissing?”

  Alexander burst out laughing. “What are you talking about?”

  “My sisters were teaching me to flirt,” Victoria told him. “Those were some of the rules.”

  “I didn’t know there were rules for flirting,” Alexander said.

  Victoria brightened at that. “You don’t know how to flirt, either?”

  Alexander laughed. Victoria didn’t know if she should be insulted or not.

  “I’ve had some flirting experience,” he told her. “Why were your sisters teaching you to flirt?”

  Victoria blushed. “I wanted to flirt with you this weekend.”

  Something flickered in his expressive hazel eyes. Victoria felt as if his gaze on her had warmed by several degrees.

  “Did you wish to flirt with me specifically?” Alexander asked. “Or would any gentleman do?”

  Victoria stared at him, her face crimson. An unexpected excitement leaped to life in the pit of her stomach.

  “I wanted to flirt with you specifically,” she told him.

  “Come closer,” Alexander said. “I’ll flirt with you.”

  Victoria hesitated. “Couldn’t we flirt from a distance?”

  “Come here,” Alexander said, his gaze fixed on hers.

  Victoria heard the quiet authority in his voice and, for the first time in her life, obeyed an order without arguing. Holding the skirt of her gown, she stood and waded out of the stream. She returned her flute to its case and walked the few feet that separated them.

  And then she wished she hadn’t. Alexander was intimidatingly tall. She needed to tilt her head back to look into his eyes.

  “Please don’t tell my aunt I’ve been wading in the stream.”

  “Wading is forbidden?” The hint of a smile appeared on his lips.

  “Young ladies of good breeding do not wade,” Victoria drawled in a perfect imitation of her aunt.

  Alexander laughed, amusement lighting his eyes. “Your secret is safe with me . . . for a price.”

  “I don’t have any money,” Victoria told his chest.

  “I don’t want money.” Reaching out, Alexander gently forced her to look up at him. “I want a kiss.”

  Victoria’s heart slammed into her chest, and the excitement in the pit of her stomach fanned into a flame. She felt every nerve in her body tingling and dropped her gaze from his hazel eyes to his lips.

  “I—I don’t know how.”

  Alexander cocked a brow at her. “Has no young man stolen a kiss?”

sp; “His Grace and my brothers-in-law won’t let any young man near me except for Rudolf’s brothers,” Victoria said, shaking her head. “Viktor, Mikhail, and Stepan are more family than eligible bachelors.”

  “Would you like to learn to kiss?” Alexander asked.

  The flame in her stomach grew, warming by several degrees. Unfortunately, her self-consciousness grew apace with the flame.

  “I don’t think so,” Victoria refused. “I am tempted but would hate to see my brothers-in-law’s protection go to waste. I’m sure you understand my dilemma and won’t be offended.”

  With a smile playing on his lips, Alexander dropped his gaze to her mouth. Leisurely, his gaze drifted from her mouth to her breasts, lingering for a long moment, and then traveled down her body to her waist.

  When Alexander raised his hazel gaze to hers, his eyes held a possessive gleam. Victoria felt an invisible connection between them.

  “I don’t think a gentleman should look at a lady like that,” she told him.

  “How was I looking at you?”

  “You looked like a hungry wolf contemplating a delicious morsel you intended to gobble,” Victoria answered, a note of disapproval in her voice.

  “If you aren’t afraid of the big bad wolf, step closer so I can collect my kiss,” Alexander challenged her. “I promise not to gobble you.”

  With her blue gaze fixed on his, Victoria took tiny steps forward until she stood inches from him. She caught his scent of bay and felt the heat emanating from his powerful body.

  Alexander drew her closer. One of his hands held the back of her head while the other pulled her against his muscular frame. His lips hovered above hers. “Are you afraid?”

  “Very worried.”

  His lips touched hers in a gentle first kiss. Trembling on the inside, Victoria stood statue-stiff. She didn’t know what to do except close her eyes.

  “Relax.” Alexander breathed against her lips.

  His lips were warm, soft but firm. Undemanding. She began to relax and enjoy feeling them pressed to hers.

  The tenor of his kiss changed. He slid his hand from the back of her head to her neck, and his fingers caressed her delicate nape.

  When she sighed at the sensation, Alexander began moving his lips on hers, encouraging her to move her lips with him, to follow his lead. Victoria felt his strength, sensed his power held in tight control. A melting sensation in her lower regions caught her by surprise, and suddenly she wanted more, so much more.

  Tentatively at first, gaining confidence with each passing second, Victoria moved her lips on his and returned his kiss in kind. Their kiss was long and languorous. He exuded power and skill and mastery over her senses with each movement, and she had no choice but follow wherever he would lead her.

  He captured her whole being even as his lips had captured hers. The world faded away, and his lips became the center of her universe. Still, she yearned for more.

  Staking his claim, Alexander sensed her surrender and brushed her lips with the tip of his tongue. In answer, Victoria inched her hands up his chest to hook around his neck. She pressed into the deepening kiss, her supple body touching his from breast to thigh.

  Victoria parted her lips, inviting him to give her more, and Alexander slipped his tongue inside to explore her sweetness. Heat flowed through her veins, and she clung to him, offering herself, enjoying his possession.

  And then it was over.

  Lifting his lips from hers, Alexander smiled at her dazed expression. He wrapped his arms around her, keeping her pressed against his body as she floated back to earth.

  Victoria rested her head against him, her cheek resting on his chest. She felt safe and protected in his arms, a feeling she hadn’t experienced since the age of five when she had basked in the warmth of her parents’ love.

  Victoria smiled to herself. This man had given her the most intense experience of her life, yet she sensed no danger, only an unspoken promise of protection. Somehow, she knew no other man would make her feel this way, no other man’s kiss would affect her in the same manner.

  “Tory,” Alexander murmured.

  Victoria looked up, and he stared at her face. She felt vulnerable, as if she had revealed too much of herself, and dropped her gaze to his chest.

  “You have just done it correctly,” Alexander told her.

  “What have I done?” she asked, confused.

  “You stared at me intensely and dropped your gaze shyly,” Alexander answered, making her smile. “That blush is a nice touch, too.” Then he asked, “How do you feel now that you have experienced your first kiss?”

  “I tingle in places I never knew existed,” she answered, drawing a shaky breath. “Is that normal?”


  “Do you tingle?”

  “You’ll never know how much.”

  Victoria became aware of the hardness at his groin, pressing against her belly through her light muslin dress. “I don’t think we should stand this close.”

  Alexander silently refused to release her. “Do you like opera?”

  “Well, I love the intermission,” she hedged, making him smile.

  “Would you like to accompany me to the opera next week?”

  “Do you mean the two of us alone?”

  He nodded.

  “I don’t think His Grace will allow that,” Victoria told him.

  Alexander looked down at her upturned face. “His Grace will make an exception for me.”

  “In that case, would you consider taking me to Covent Garden at night?” Victoria asked, her smile mischievous.

  “That isn’t a good place for a young lady,” he told her.

  “I’ll be safe with you,” she said. “If not, how about Vauxhall?”

  Alexander laughed. “Victoria, you are pressing your luck.”

  “If you don’t want to take me,” Victoria said, giving him a flirtatious smile, “Prince Stepan will be happy to accompany me.”

  “Is that so?” Alexander smiled at her practicing her wiles on him.

  “Prince Stepan has already taken me to Drury Lane,” Victoria told him. “I sneaked out of the house one night.”

  Alexander lost his humor. “Your reputation could have been ruined.”

  “I’m joking.”

  Alexander seemed to relax. “Tell me why you wanted to flirt with me specifically,” he said, changing the subject. “Did anyone encourage you?”

  “My sisters said you would make an excellent husband.”

  “What do you think? “ Alexander asked, running a hand up and down her back.

  “I thought I was having fun until I saw you and my body began acting strangely.” Victoria changed the subject. “Are you very smart?”

  Alexander gave her a puzzled look. “Smart enough, I suppose.”

  “I admire intelligence,” she told him, gazing into his hazel eyes. “I bet you read lots of books.”

  “I thought young ladies admired titles, wealth, and good looks,” Alexander teased her.

  “Titles, wealth, and good looks are easily lost,” Victoria said. “Intelligence is something a man can keep forever.”

  “Your philosophy impresses me.”

  Victoria smiled, preening at his praise. She had no idea what philosophy meant, but if he was impressed, then she was proud of it. After all, she possessed very few talents to make her proud.

  “Let’s return to the house,” Alexander said, releasing her.

  Victoria didn’t want to return to the house. She wanted to be alone with him. She also didn’t want to be put in the position of looking for the mark on the bottom of her shoe.

  “Walking barefoot in the grass tickles my feet,” Victoria said. “I’ll carry my shoes.”

  Alexander lifted the flute case off the ground. With her in the lead, they started down the path.

  Victoria stopped short before they left the woodland and turned to face him. “I want another kiss.”

  “I’ll kiss you tonight,” Alexander sa

  “Why don’t you want to kiss me?”

  “I want to kiss you,” he answered, “but if I do, I will embarrass myself.”

  “No one is watching,” she said. “I don’t understand.”

  “I will explain it tonight,” Alexander said. “Will you trust me in this?”

  Victoria nodded, relieved that he wasn’t rejecting her. Alexander put his arm around her shoulder, and together, they continued down the path. Emerging near the gazebo, Victoria noted her brothers-in-law still practicing their golf.

  “I want to speak to Prince Rudolf,” Alexander told her. “I’ll see you later.”

  Ignoring her brothers-in-law in an attempt to avoid their teasing, Victoria continued walking toward the house. And then she heard Prince Rudolf, calling, “Tory, have you been kissing Alex?”

  Victoria quickened her pace. That only made her brothers-in-law laugh.

  Chapter 2

  Intense and sophisticated. Definitely not boring and old.

  Since returning to the house that afternoon, Victoria had closeted herself in her bedchamber and daydreamed about Alexander Emerson. She replayed the scene of his inspiring kiss over and over again in her mind. Her excitement grew to a feverish pitch until she burned with anticipation.

  Victoria primped in front of the cheval mirror for more than an hour. She had chosen a silk gown in the palest shade of yellow, its color complementing her fiery curls, cascading almost to her waist. The gown’s squared neckline hinted at cleavage instead of exposing it, and she wore matching slippers on her feet.

  “How do I look?” Victoria asked her sisters when they slipped into her chamber.

  “Like a pretty buttercup,” Angelica said.

  “Actually, you look more like a pagan princess with that mane of fire hanging loose,” Samantha said.

  “How did your flirting work?” Angelica asked.

  “Alex kissed me,” Victoria answered, a blush staining her cheeks. “I liked it when he put his tongue in my mouth. Would any man affect me like that?”

  “Only Alex would have such a profound effect,” Samantha said.

  “I wanted to let him touch me,” Victoria admitted in a whisper.

  “Since he did give you your first kiss and your attention seems fixed on him,” Angelica said, “letting him touch your breasts would be permissible.”